For this thesis, I created a Conceptual Space from Course Descriptions for explainable Recommendation, in a highly performant pipeline on the university-grid.
[Read More]For this thesis, I created a Conceptual Space from Course Descriptions for explainable Recommendation, in a highly performant pipeline on the university-grid.
[Read More]Bomberperson is a maze-based multiplayer for 2 - 4 Players, that was programmed in a C++-project following up the respective university-course. All players should try to eliminate each other and be the last one standing. Player can place bombs which explode after a certain amount of time in multiple directions and can destroy obstacles and other players. Destroyed obstacles can drop power-upgrades that temporarily improve a Player. The Player is killed if they get caught by any bomb exploding or get hit by the Koopa-Shell too often.
[Read More]THREE.js
, the player is trapped in the infamous burning AVZ and must try to escape this inferno. The player controls the in-game character and must overcome obstacles, puzzles and traps to get to the bottom and out of the AVZ. Play here!
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