This are all posts, no matter their category.

Adding dynamic content to HUGO

This website is build using Hugo, a framework to generate static websites from markdown-files. This means that after the compile-step, there are only pure HTML-files, which can just be hosted on any webserver. While this has several advantages in terms of eg. speed, debugability, search engine optimization and much more, a big disadvantage is that there is no straightforward way to include dynamic content. As everything is unchanged from the compilation on, allowing for content dependent on user input or from real-time data, or just including content generated from other web frameworks such as Python’s flask or Django, is not easy. However, thanks to Javascript, it is absolutely possible to incorporate such dynamic content, as I have done for example in my CV, which is generated with my custom CV-Generator. [Read More]

Mount a QNAP NAS to your system using SSHFS

I never really liked NFS, so I wanted another way to mount a drive from my QNAP NAS onto my linux machine. As I haven’t found any sort of instruction for that online, I’ll post how I did it here, in case anybody searches for the same thing. The how is hurdled mostly by the fact that you cannot install SSHFS onto QTS, as the package ist not available for it. [Read More]
NAS  Linux  Config 


I have a deep passion for 3D printing, and my approach goes beyond simply downloading designs from Thingiverse – I take pride in creating my own. While most of what I make is still-to-be-posted, you can find my growing collection on my Thingiverse profile.

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Automatic Meal Recognition

VisoLab is a startup that creates automated self-checkout registers for canteens, where the meals on the tray are recognized on on edge via an iPad, allowing the customer to pay for their meals within seconds without requiring an employee.

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Main Image

After finally (and only for now) accepting that a reliable sound2light-bassline-detection is probably more trouble than it’s worth, I next needed a way for tap2bpm instead. This, however, required new Hardware, and thus, I developed this Button-Board.

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