Scipy Course Material
2020 Lecture 1: Introduction RecordingsOrganisation, Why Scientific Programming?, Our Path, Whirlwind Tour, Course Infrastructure, Setup: IDEs, Setup: Install locally, Setup: Jupyterlab, git intro, The shell, git practice, Howto Homework Introduction Slides
Whirlwind Tour (static)
Homework sheet
Lecture 2: Basic Programming with Python RecordingsBasic Types, Operators, Functions & Methods, Collections, Control Flow, Functions, Classes, Caveats Jupyter Notebook (static)
Homework sheet
Sample solution
Practice Recording
Sample Solution Recording
Lecture 3: Advanced Programming with Python RecordingsData Model, Iterators, Properties, Exceptions, Duck Typing, Factory Methods, Generators, Context Managers, Lambda Expressions, Comprehensions, Strings, Decorators Jupyter Notebooks (static)
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