Mount a QNAP NAS to your system using SSHFS

I never really liked NFS, so I wanted another way to mount a drive from my QNAP NAS onto my linux machine. As I haven’t found any sort of instruction for that online, I’ll post how I did it here, in case anybody searches for the same thing.

The how is hurdled mostly by the fact that you cannot install SSHFS onto QTS, as the package ist not available for it. But as so often, the solution is Docker. We’ll just create an Ubuntu-Container where we can install SSHFS, and mount the directory we want to share as a volume. This of course requires that you have a NAS with Container Station, allowing to use Docker Containers.

File contents

FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN apt update && \
     apt install -y bash git vim curl zsh htop tmux unzip nano ca-certificates wget sudo sshfs openssh-server && \
    echo "user_allow_other" | sudo tee -a /etc/fuse.conf  && \
    mkdir /var/run/sshd  && \
    echo "root:${PASSWORD}" | chpasswd    && \
    sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]
    container_name: sshfs_1  
    build: ubuntu/sshfs  
      - 2024:22  
  privileged: true  
    - /share/Backups:/mnt/dockersshfs

Setting up the Container

  • Log into the NAS’s local network
  • ssh to your NAS to set up the container[1] - eg. ssh admin@YOUR_NAS_HOSTNAME.local
  • In that ssh-session, run[2]If anybody knows how to allow the ‘–squash’ option in QTS, tell me! I hate that it lists the intermediate layers in the UI:
    cd /tmp
    mkdir sshfs_docker && cd sshfs_docker
    vi my_password
    # hit <i>, paste the Password you want to use, hit <esc>, type ":wq", hit <enter>
    vi Dockerfile
    # hit <i>, paste Dockerfile content, hit <esc>, type ":wq", hit <enter>
    docker build --no-cache -t ubuntu/sshfs --build-arg PASSWORD=$(cat my_password) --pull .
    rm my_password
  • Now that the image is built, you should be able to, in the QTS Web-UI, open Container Station and find our newly built one unter Images. The Application tab would allow you to just paste our docker-compose.yml file, as however the key privileged is not allowed there, we have to enter the contents of the docker-compose.yml manually:
    • For that, go to the Containers tab → new/CreateAdvanced mode, enter our name ubuntu/sshfs as the image
    • Hit NextPublish New Port and enter our Port mapping to the Container’s port 22
    • Go to Advanced SettingsStorage and manually enter our Volume-Mapping. On the container-side, the path /mnt/dockersshfs is as good as any, however you’ll want to replace the /share/Backups I used here with the directory you want to publish. Generally in QTS, the publicly accessible directories are all mounted under /share/, so you may want to ls that.
    • Finally, go to Runtime, activate Privileged Mode, and ApplyNextFinish to build the container.
  • Verify that it works on the ssh-session by going into the container (docker exec -it sshfs-1 /bin/bash) and cding to where you mounted the drive. Exit using <CTRL+D>.
  • From your machine, try
     sshfs root@YOUR_NAS_HOSTNAME.local:/mnt/dockersshfs /path/to/your/local/mountdir -p 2024`
    Navigate to the respective path, and voilà, your NAS should be mounted!

Only problem here is, that we can only access the NAS if we’re in the same local network. The best way to emulate from the outside is by using a Virtual Private Network aka VPN.

Setting up the VPN


Theoretically, using the NAS’s own VPN-software would be a great idea. For that, the steps would be roughly the following:

FritzBox VPN[8]

After all the useless hassle, instead I just noticed that I can just use the Wireguard-VPN-Service of my FritzBox (OS ≥ 7.5)

  • InternetSharesVPN (WireGuard). Set up the connection and download the WireGuard-config.
  • locally: sudo apt install -y wireguard , to then just connect as nmcli connection import type wireguard file "/path/to/wg_config.conf"
  • You should now be able to connect to your NAS from outside your network. If you go to, it should forward you to a 192.168 range IPv4 - which is the IP of your NAS in your local network!


Now to mount the NAS in one line we need a bit of trickery, and two commands that actually require root-rights. As I don’t want to enter the password for that every time, I’m using visudo to add my user to those not requiring a password for these commands. Note that this is a security risk, so only do it if you know what you’re doing! Run sudo visudo, and add the following to line there, replacing <YOUR_USERNAME> with your username:

<YOUR_USERNAME>   ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nmap, /usr/bin/wg

This assumes that nmap and wg are under the given path, which you can figure out using the which command. Further, you may want to add an environment-variable for the hostname of your NAS into your .bashrc. The one-liner uses nmap to scan all hosts of the subnet (which it figures out using the wg command)[9]The -o part ensures KDE does not freeze, see

sshfs root@$(sudo nmap -sn -T5 $(sudo wg show wg_config | awk '/allowed ips/{print $3}' | tr -d ',') | awk -v nas_hostname="$NAS_HOSTNAME" '$0 ~ nas_hostname {match($0, /\(([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/, ip); print ip[1]}'):/mnt/dockersshfs /path/to/your/local/mountdir -p 2024 -o reconnect,ServerAliveInterval=15,ServerAliveCountMax=3

Obviously this command cannot be added to the fstab, but at least it can be made to a single command. Oh how I love command chaining.

NAS  Linux  Config